Rob’s Top Picks 🔝😎🤙🤩🍀
I’ve scoured the universe for the coolest stories this week and hand-picked the best ones to super-power your inbox!
1064 HP Corvette ZR1 Released
For all the fellow speed demons out there
This car is all over the internet right now
GM has released their fastest corvette to date
The first twin turbo corvette, pushing 1000+ hp
It just leaves me wondering when we’ll see an electric vette…
Check it out here
Self Drifting Electric Delorean
And if you like spinning tires, you’re gonna love this -
It’s what happens when you let Stanford engineers loose on an iconic 80s car
An electric Delorean programmed to self drift through an autocross course.
Watch here.
Flying the Jetson ONE - EVTOL
The Jetson ONE is what happens when you mix a go-kart and a drone.
A single passenger 8 motor electric flying machine..
I think they call it the Jetson ONE because
I NEED ONE and I need ONE NOW!
Watch a lucky stud fly this thing over Tuscany here
First Ever REAL Flying Carpet
Rounding out today’s list of “vehicles” I can only dream about owning because I’d show off and end up wrapped around a tree -
This guy jumps off a cliff flying on a carpet, no joke
The physics on this stunt are mind blowing
So if you’ve got an old rug with a stain that just won’t come out
Here’s an idea to breathe some new life into it
Watch here
BOOM, that’s a wrap on today’s top picks
Hope you have a great day.
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