The crisp chill of the morning breeze brushes past your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. The faint orange glow of a sun not yet risen hangs off the edge of the horizon. A yawn slips out. You unload your Blade, buckle your helmet, and dive into the solitude of the mountain trail.
The trail is just wide enough for one bike to ride. The morning sun rises over distant mountain peaks, and bathes you in warmth. Up ahead, a steep hill. An exhausted trail rider walks the incline. You breeze past him.
Two hours pass and you reach the peak. The valley below lay awash in the morning sun. You sip refreshing, cold water, and head back down the mountain.
You pass the mountain biker again, still struggling up inclines which hardly broke you a sweat. An hour and a half later, you're back at your car, loading up your Blade, in time to make it home for lunch.

Can you recall the last time you truly went on an adventure? When was the last time you ventured into the unknown, with nothing more than your water bottle, a granola bar, and your bike? What's been stopping you?
Often we don’t have the time to explore. With its 1000 watt motor, the Blade gives you the speed boost you need to travel the unknown and be back in time for dinner.
Sometimes, electric bikes can’t take us as far as we want to go. The Blade has a 17 amp hour battery netting a 40+ mile range to keep up with your dauntless spirit.
Rarely, we just don’t have the energy to venture forth into the wilderness, and would rather sit on the couch at home. Featuring 5 levels of pedal assist, the Blade lets you work as hard as you want.
FLX Celebrates Women's Day!
Fixing "Error 21" aka Speed Sensor Error