Superhuman Bikes Latest Updates

Can you get fit riding an electric bike?

Can you get fit riding an electric bike?

Are eBikes actually good exercise? The word is out! Innovations in modern technology, especially in efficient energy storage in lithium-ion cells, have led to the creation of electric bicycles otherwise known as 'e bikes'. Their ability to support rider’s pedaling...

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Are electric bikes changing the concepts of mobility?

Are electric bikes changing the concepts of mobility?

In last week’s blog post we’ve been talking about the need for drastically altering urban transport infrastructure to make our cities more worthy of living in them. Today we’ll look at how ebikes are likely to play a crucial role...

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Our concept of mobility has to change radically – and ebikes could play a crucial role in it

Our concept of mobility has to change radically – and ebikes could play a crucial role in it

When it comes to adequate infrastructure, a lot of cities across the globe face two key problems: Congestion and pollution. Managing both those problems is today’s holy grail of urban infrastructure planning: Finding solutions for them enhances resident’s satisfaction with...

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5 Benefits Of Riding An Electric Bike

5 Benefits Of Riding An Electric Bike

  As we all know by now, exercising regularly is crucially important if you want to lead a long, healthy life. But with our busy schedules and aging bodies and joints, finding time to exercise can be tricky. Most of...

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  Ride > Share > Win.  Now you can get points for helping your friends discover ebikes. Early adopters have a chance to win a sweet new product as well before it's released.  Check the video for more details.  Feel free...

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How are eBikes regulated in the U.S.?

How are eBikes regulated in the U.S.?

Laws & Regulations An electric bicycle is not a moped, motorcycle or scooter. It's a totally different kind of vehicle that’s making waves throughout the U.S. and across the world.  If you love riding your bicycle but want to ride...

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History of cycling and electric bikes

History of cycling and electric bikes

The Draisine Since the invention of the wheel, man has been trying to improve upon its capabilities. From the lowly wheelbarrow of the second century, to the two wheeled cart shortly after, to Karl Drais' "dandy horse", or running machine...

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Fixing "Error 21" aka Speed Sensor Error

Fixing "Error 21" aka Speed Sensor Error

  Much like any machine with moving parts, occasionally, you'll encounter problems with your mid drive eBike. One of the most common, and easily fixable is "Error 21" or the Speed Sensor Error. This particular video is related to our...

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Experience the mountains on the Blade.

Experience the mountains on the Blade.

How does it feel to go on a mountain adventure with the Blade?

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